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Diary of an Intuitive has been published in two versions - Coil Bound and Perfect Bound.

Each has a die cut laminated cover, with transparencies, and colour images throughout. 

There is space on each page for the reader to record personal thoughts, if desired.

The book is divided into seasons: Late Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter Returns.

Diary of an Intuitive by Vera Gibson
Diary of an Intuitive

ISBN 978-0-9917180-0-9  (Coil Bound version)


Published in 2013, the original version is coil bound, with wrap-around cover and contains foldouts for some of the images.


Size: 6.5 x 8.5 x 1

334 pages

Retail $34.99


This version is available at select North Vancouver retailers including 32 Books and End of the Line. 

If you prefer to order a copy, contact the author directly by clicking on the link.

Diary of an Intuitive by Vera Gibson
Diary of an Intuitive

ISBN 978-0-9917180-1-6 (Perfect Bound version)


This book is perfect bound, published March 2014.


Size: 6 x 9 x 1

346 pages

Retail $32.99


This version is available at The Oracle ( Sechelt, North Vancouver and Whistler locations) or 32 Books in North Vancouver. It can also be ordered directly from the author - click on link above. 




(not applicable to PO Boxes)








Thursday March 31:  Unforgettable Phone Calls

It was a winter afternoon in late January 1966 when the telephone rang. My nine-year-old self was in our kitchen, showing my mother some of the "treasures" I had purchased earlier that day at my school's White Elephant Sale. As I was walking into the living room to answer it, I told my mother that this call was going to be someone phoning to tell us that Canada Oma (my paternal grandmother) had died. Sure enough, it was my uncle calling from Peace River, to inform us that his mother had passed away there in her sleep. She had not been seriously ill and was only sixty-two years old so this was not something we had been expecting. That is my first memory of connection to spirit, and I believe it is from her that I inherited my ability to "see" and "feel" outside the physical realm. Fast forward to the call I received a few weeks ago, just before 2pm on March 7th. My husband called me on my cell, and without any preamble, asked me where I was. I told him I was at home, and all he said was, "Wait there. I'll be home in ten minutes." Then he hung up. In that moment, I knew that my son was dead. I walked out into the backyard, stood in the sunshine with my eyes closed, and from deep within I asked the Universe to please give me the strength to endure what lay before me.


Friday September 23:  Beauty in Dying

Fall equinox.  A new season begins.  From fresh, crisp apples, juicy droplets spray out with every bite. The comfort of a favourite sweater provides warmth against the cooler air. Leaves soon will be piled high, perfect for jumping into. Moments of pure pleasure. The most poignant aspect of fall, however, lies in its colours, those brilliant hues of orange, yellow, and red. Leaves embark on the last leg of their journey, glorious to behold. Impressed by the magnificence of this transformation, I revive long held awareness that beauty can be found in dying.


Monday January 16:  Ongoing Love Story

It was an ongoing love story. I reiterated this theme to others during the weekend, explaining that so much connected to Michael and Kelly's passing was related to love. Then yesterday afternoon, I was with my husband in the heart of the city, enjoying a leisurely lunch, followed by a walk along the seawall. Under a cool and sunny sky, both of us were filled with gratitude and a sense of well-being. Soaking it all in, I glanced down onto the beach below, and instantly stopped to take in a heartwarming sight: a huge creative expression of love, formed with large stones, laid out vertically, close to three meters long. The message began with the letter K at the top, followed by a heart, with the letter M underneath.  K ♡ M. Amazing. Had thoughts of what to make for dinner or concerns about next week been occupying my mind, this gift would likely have gone unnoticed. Being present, in the moment, I was open and available to enjoy this heartening opportunity to connect with love.


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